Meet my little boy Riley (might as well, 'cause he'll be present in quite a few of these pics). When it came time to find his first bed, I did a lot of internet searching. Sadly, I wasn't seeing much of anything that popped out as gotta have. Except for one - a clubhouse loft bed. It was boyish, cute, practical and a space-saver. Unfortunately, it had two major negatives. One, it was sold overseas, and two, it was ridiculously priced - as in more than $2300. I love my kid, but seriously? Come on.
But being me, I decided to put my creativity to good use and build a similar one myself. This was quite a jump for me seeing as how I'd never actually built something before. I've watched a hundred home improvement shows with my mom, how hard could it be? (I'm laughing right now. But really, it wasn't that bad). First thing I did was choose my mattress and use those dimensions to draw up a design. And since I was the one who was going to climb in that thing to change the sheets, I made sure to make the base several inches bigger than the mattress so it wouldn't be such a struggle. The extra space also allows me to tuck his comforter in on all sides. Can't usually get that luxury from a pre-made one, am I right?
With all my dimensions in hand, I went to my local Home Depot and had them cut the framing wood for me. Since I wanted this bed to look irregular, I drew each side out on a large piece of plywood and used a hand saw to cut each individual piece.
Once I had the design and wood in hand, this project took me the better part of a weekend. It came together surprisingly easy, even though I had to make a few small runs back to Home Depot. Good thing they were close by! And the price tag on this adventure? From wood, hardware, paint supplies, and materials to make privacy curtains, it cost just under $350. And the excitement on my lil' boy's face was perfect!
I'm pretty sure I took some photos of this while I was doing it, but I built it years ago and forgot to post. So who knows where they are by now. Probably on an old phone that froze up. What I can show you is that originally, I used a premade 4-step stair on his bed. I simply turned it upside down to make it more vertical and added the missing wood.

I also drilled some recessed holes in my posts so that curtains could be pulled for privacy on the bottom. However, I soon found out that weak metal rods and little boys don't go together very well. After he bent two of them, I opted for rebar. Now it's little boy tuff!
And thanks to his PawPaw, some fun, adjustable lighting was added all around the inside. Personally, I get a headache just looking at that pulsing light, but Riley loves it. It also has several light settings so he always has just the right amount of light.

All was perfect in Riley and Gabby world (the puppy who lived beneath the loft). But flash forward a few years, I found myself trying to fit Riley's bed in a much smaller room. Suddenly those stairs that were wonderfully safe for his toddler years were now more of a hindrance, as it left little room for anyone to pass by.
That's all right. I'm always up for a good challenge.
Industrial piping had become very popular these past few years and I'd been wanting to incorporate it within our household. What a perfect opportunity! It ended up being simple enough. Secure two more posts and buy the piping. Took care of the problem in less than a day, but I will say it's the more expensive route. The price of industrial piping has risen with its popularity. This necessary upgrade added about $75. And since I thought it might be a little awkward getting in and out, I added a steampunk water valve so he'd have something to grip on.
And for those of you wondering how the heck I manage to move this beast of a bed around, it's actually quite simple. I designed it to move in pieces. Each side is its own component, as are the roof, base and legs. It takes about an hour or two to break down and put up completely, but it's something I've never had an issue doing despite a couple of moves now. And it's always been Riley's favorite place to hang out. And Gabby's too.
Click to enlarge blueprints.